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2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
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Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-09-09 [Firenze]: I will have to fly Richard from the UK to the US each new school year, so think how much that is gonna cost me, plus living cost whilst over in the closest university here in the UK is about half an hours drive from my house...

2005-09-10 [Shatureel]: hiya folks, whats up?

2005-09-10 [iCh3wi]: Thats sux Kelly. Why not stay here until you graduate or not go back home as much?

2005-09-10 [Firenze]: The student visa will only allow me to stay in the US for school and if I get the particular visa I want I will be allowed to work as well.

2005-09-10 [iCh3wi]: Well that Sux! I just got my high school transcripts, and now I am going to send it too UT.



2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: U WERENT WHEN I WROTE THAT ASSWIPE!

2005-09-11 [Firenze]: Richard unlike you I have to take international admissions tests, send English transcripts plus a load of other stupid pointless crap...

2005-09-11 [death how i long to embrace you]: umm what?

2005-09-11 [Firenze]: ???

2005-09-11 [death how i long to embrace you]: im lost

2005-09-11 [Firenze]: Bleh, new convo!!! So what have you been up to?

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Good afternoon to you all.

2005-09-11 [death how i long to embrace you]: being bored

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Good Morning everyone. They actually make you take and International Admissions test to go to an American School? That's BS!

2005-09-11 [Firenze]: Yes they do because our education systems are totally different from your is a fucked up system in my opinion and you will have to do certain admissions tests if you were to study here in England...

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: It is fucked up. Urgh! I hate it when I volunteer for hard jobs.

2005-09-11 [Firenze]: lol, what have you gotten yourself into this time?

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Re-modeling the Elfpack Graphics. Im on uh...................EG Dividers 2.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: lol that sucks

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Well somebodies got to do it and you did volunteer.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Yup.

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: So how you doing besides working your fingers to the bone.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Pretty good, went out with Ariel last night.............................and came home, lol

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: okay. LOL

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: does anyone know what the "................................." means besides me?

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Idk, I was wondering if they would catch it.

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: well my mind tends to go to the gutter. LOL

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: And in the gutter you found the correct answer, lol.

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: see, I know what you were talking about. LOL

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: thats a sin richard you will go to hell

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: why is he going to hell. its a natural thing.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: i was joking we have alot of christian finatics at our school that tell us that to no end

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Oh yeah for example. This one faggot *cough* Nick Wilks *cough* "I don't go into Hot Topic because Satan has a hold of the employees. But I do go into Spencers" Now I know for a fact that Hot Topic don't sell half as much Sex shit than Spencers.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: lol i love walking up to him and asking him if he wants to touch my pentagram necklace

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Oh, and he thinks Pentagrams will catch him on fire. I wear one just to scare him. He also says that if you have sex before marriage, you'll burn in hell for all eternity.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: i live in hell so theres not much difference

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Jessi you took the words right out of my mouth. LOL

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Well if hes God then I definitly am burning in hell because I broke the sex before marriage rule several times.

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: haven't most of us.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, Jessi, me and you as well?

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: i have more than u

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: No shit dumbass, thats cause you see Cody more than I see Ariel.

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: No i do. LOL

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Lol, oh really?

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Yep, really. (^_^)

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Lol, Kinky

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: lmao, well I am a healty, lusty female, what can I say. LOL

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: lol *gasps* naughty naughty lol

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: oh stop gasping, it ain't like you ain't done it too. LOL

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: How old are you Shatureel? Im just wondering is all.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Im 17 and Jessi is 15, my gf is 15 and her bf is 16. Im about to turn 18

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: pm me and I'll tell you.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Ok

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: lol secretive arent we?

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Heheheheh! I know the answer, yay!

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: *mumbles* bastard

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: LOL, yep if you want to know Jessi, all you have to do is pm me too.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Lol.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: but i dotn wanna im lazy

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Lol, lazy ass.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: bite me

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: *takes a bite* Then I'm not telling.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: then i guess im not gonna know

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Oh well, you will probably ask me.

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: yep she will, she's your sister. LOL

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: She already did.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: *blinks*

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: what you blinking about Jessi.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: shes flabbergasted is all (

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Oh ok. 

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: *falls over*

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: lmao, get over it kid.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]:


She called us Kid, like Jared does, EEEEKKK!!!

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: OMG * starts to hyperventalate*

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Hyperventilate.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: *glares*

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Lol, read my mood.

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: whos fiona and aj

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: well that woke you up, good.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Fiona is [De'ladrei] and AJ is [Tear]

2005-09-11 [Homewrecker]: oh cool!

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Don't think I'll be welcomed by [Tear]

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Uh.....why?

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: read your pm.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: I did, that sux.

2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Was this a long time ago?

2005-09-11 [Shatureel]: Just a few minutes ago.

2005-09-12 [Undertow]: hello all, it seems i didn't miss much, i had to do some work on my computer

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Sounds enlightening.

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: Yeah well I am about to go to college, I have like half an hour to get there >_<

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: *Yawn* Good Morning, its 2 am here. Have a good day at college Kelly.

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: It is 8am here *stretches* I am sure it will be boring...

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Urgh, I wish it was 630, then I could go to school and get my future day of hell over. Two classes of making sure the teaching Aide doesnt have sex with a student. Fun fun fun.

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: I don't know my timetable yet...getting it today...male or female teaching aide?

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Female, shes 18. The students are 13 and 14. Shes a senior and thye are freshmen. Scary.

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: That is just sick >_< Even people in my year aren't that uncivilized >_<

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, it scares me, she denies it of course, and she's my neighbor, even better.

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: Bleh she is a bloody sicko >_< Paedophile!!

2005-09-12 [d o n e]: Hi.

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: *sleepily* Hello...

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: i agree shes kindof a whore too

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Yes very. Good EveningKelly.

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: Hey Kelly.

2005-09-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: whats the topic of today?

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: Firenze needs her sleep, lol

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: interesting topic...

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: I was messing around, lol

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: well it probably true

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: She most likely does. Hmm.............bagels.

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: eating popcorn *looks at richard* buttery popcorn

2005-09-12 [Firenze]: Aye it is almost 11pm and time for bed...god damned effing college in the morning >_<

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: I HATE MONDAYS!!! im sorry i just had to get that out of my system

2005-09-12 [Shatureel]: Hiya

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Hey Shay, Jessi, leave the butter on the popcorn, not on Cody. Sorry to hear that Kelly.

2005-09-12 [Shatureel]: butter popcorn smells so good.

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: :( but i like butter ;p

2005-09-12 [Shatureel]: finger licking good!!!!!!!!!, LOL

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: omg i know!

2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Anyways

2005-09-12 [Undertow]: .....umm hello all..popcorn eh...good stuff for the most part, i just don't like kettel corn

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: i agree that shit is nasty

2005-09-12 [Undertow]: i'm not a fan of sweets in the first place, sweet and salty just tastes horrible to me

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: i love it when its really salty or really sweet

2005-09-12 [Undertow]: i don't really care for sweet things, salty's pretty good though, only things sweet i really like are cinammon candies and skittles everything else is a w/e thing to me..except for chocolate... i don't like it very much

2005-09-12 [Homewrecker]: omg i love chocolate! u will burn in hell not liking choclate! *crosses self* evil!! actually im not a religous perosn....

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: w/e, i like 3 musketeers bars...but other than that chocolate just isn't my thing

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: i dotn liek 3 musketeers i like snickers

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: i do, i like the fluffy chocolate, they're okay in the little snack sized ones..only ones i just really dont' liek at all are milky ways, butterfingers, and i hate reses with an absolute passion

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: i hate chocolate and peanut butter put together

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: i think we now know something we both completely agree on

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: *faints*

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: lol

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: im so bored there arent any good songs on the radio and ive heard all my cds a billion times

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: lol, i did a check the other day, i've got enough music on my computer to where i won't hear the same song twice for over a week if i put all of my music on a playlist

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: damn u to hell! i wish i had that. i need to go cd shopping or something.

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: lol ^__^....i only bought about half of mine..the rest were downloaded or from cd's i borrowed from friends

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: you should check out the band crossbreed from tampa bay florida, they kick major ass

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: i think ive heard of them..........not sure

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: idk they're a local band down there, i know abotu them b/c i used to live in florida and i've got friends up here that are from that area, idk though you might have, they were on tour with dope and mushroomhead this summer

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: oh i havent heard of any of them.......what kind of music do they sing

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: mushroom head similar to slipknot..only no where near as good...dope's a mix of industrial and metal (they sound similar to manson on some songs), and crossbreeds kid of liek dope only they go more industrial and more hardcore than metal, they're all cool though...well the second to are alot better than the first

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: hmmm well i like manson and slipknot so i would probably like them if i heard them

2005-09-13 [Shatureel]: hiya whats up

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: hey how u doin

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: dopes...different, alot of people down there assume that dope's cover of "you spin me right round (like a record)" is manson

2005-09-13 [Shatureel]: ok taking a break from working

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: that's cool

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: ive never heard that song i dotn think, thats cool Shay

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: yeah, it's not really popular, but anyone who does swears it's manson until i get my copy of dopes first cd out and put that song on

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: sometimes the bands that are the least popular are the best ones

2005-09-13 [Undertow]: yeah generally

2005-09-13 [iCh3wi]: Hey Shay.

2005-09-13 [Homewrecker]: hi richard

2005-09-13 [Shatureel]: Hi Richard.

2005-09-13 [d o n e]: Yo!^^''

2005-09-13 [Firenze]: Meep

2005-09-13 [iCh3wi]: Hey Shay, Jessi, Kelly. Whats up everyone? Im in AP Art 4, yay!

2005-09-13 [Firenze]: I am at home doing homework

2005-09-13 [Shatureel]: Whats AP Art 4

2005-09-13 [Serena]: my guess is advance placement art year four

2005-09-13 [Shatureel]: Thats cool, thanks, how you doing today.

2005-09-13 [Serena]: im sick, once again...

2005-09-13 [Shatureel]: whats wrong,

2005-09-13 [Serena]: i dunno, that is the thing

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: I just got on after the crash!

2005-09-14 [Shatureel]: I was here when it happened, i just got back on myself. Hi Jessi

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: Hey Shay, I wasnt I got home from school and it wouldnt let me on. I was so pissed.

2005-09-14 [Shatureel]: been off for hours, something went wrong with the fonts, knocked the system down.

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: yeah it sucked. i looked up dumb jokes for 4 hours

2005-09-14 [Shatureel]: I went to Elftown and finished my house there

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: I forgot my name on elftown lol

2005-09-14 [Shatureel]: that is funny. I also finished some poems and put them up and a few pics. So I kept busy, talking on yahoo and working.

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: Sounds fun. Ill send u a funny joke i got off

2005-09-14 [Shatureel]: cool

2005-09-14 [iCh3wi]: AP Studio Art 4 is advanced Art for seniors in high school.

2005-09-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Must we talk aboout school outside of school?I have to thin about it and spend enough of my time there....cant i get aaway from it?!!lol

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: Bleh...try doing my courses then...Biology, Psychology and are constantly revising, doing homework...etc

2005-09-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *No comment*

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: hehehe...

2005-09-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *shakes head at [Firenze]* You just had to come in here and say that after i made that that purposely or just a coinsidence?)

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: *sticks tongue out* Yes I did have to say that because for me school may end at 3:20pm but it starts up again at 6pm (homework, I get 6hrs work of written work, revision, etc) And yes I wrote that on purpose just to annoy you, hehehe ^_-

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: lol you are so nice kelly

2005-09-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I figured as much..*sticks tongue out at [Firenze]* My school starts at 7:55am gets out at 3:22pm and stays out..It is almost the end of the six weeks...this is the last week of the 1st 6 i have prolly been in longer than most of y`all though

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: I know, I am, lol =P

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: I am in school for 8:30am for my presenters in Radio starts at 9am...finishes at 3:20pm...half-term for me isn't for a while, I think it is the end of October or something like that...

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: Im in the 4th week of the 6 weeks and I really need to bring my grades up a bit....

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: 1st week back at College for me >_<

2005-09-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol...I feel bad for you [Firenze]

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: Damn....thats sucks.....*pets giffie pet*

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: English terms suck, they are way to long... >_<

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: take a look at this...     this is all term dates for my college

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: I like English I just hate essay tests! -_-

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: I am talking about schools...

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: ohhh arent there term tests though too??

2005-09-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i hate AP tests

2005-09-14 [Homewrecker]: I have severe test anxiety...

2005-09-14 [Firenze]: Yes our exams are hard, unfortuantly >_< I hate exams, I prefer coursework...

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